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How to Increase Profit

Writer's picture: Kevin ProutyKevin Prouty

There’s always room to improve your business. Increasing profits is a no brainer; the easiest ways to accomplish this are often overlooked. Tight, organized accounting records are the first step in the process. You can’t manage what you can’t monitor. Here are some other ways to ensure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck.

Cash Flow

  • This refers to the movement of money in and out of your accounts.

  • Poor cash flow tactics are said to account for 82% of business failures.

  • Is it crucial to have cash on hand to handle bills, emergencies, and unforeseen expenses.

Client Receivables

  • Invoicing immediately keeps the ball rolling and helps keep cash flowing.

  • Sending off constant reminders helps keep payables relevant and current.

  • Clients appreciate when a business is organized and efficient.

Late Payments

  • Properly managed cash flow ensures there are funds available when bills are due.

  • This results in saving money by not having to pay late fees.

  • Vendors value clients who pay timely, oftentimes offering them discounts or benefits.

Profit Margins

  • Keeping current books allows for quick adjustments when margins are not being met.

  • When vendors increase prices, it is crucial to counteract and increase your end.

  • It is essential to try out different scenarios to ensure profit margins are being maximized.

Money Leaks

  • Tight records allow you to see when you are spending too much on a product or service.

  • Regular reporting and analysis allow you to monitor exact spending habits.

  • You can target large expense categories and quickly adjust spending as necessary.

Tightening Up

Properly managing your finances is by far the most critical aspect of maximizing your profits. Having a skilled accountant/bookkeeper on your team is a must. They will ensure that irregularities are caught early on before they have the potential to become real problems. The financial health of your business should never suffer. Making informed decisions will increase your bottom line and maximize your businesses true potential

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